FCSN 25th Anniversary Special : Q&A With the Co-Founders PART 3

What is the difference between FCSN and other similar organizations?

by: Anna & Albert Wang, Linmei & James Chiao

FCSN past presidents in front of the newly constructed Center in 2006. From left: Tsai-Wei Wu, Jim Chiao, Linmei Chiao, Anna Wang, Albert Wang, Limin Hu

Linmei: I’m currently helping as the Director of Volunteer Support. So, personally, I think the amazing wonderful FCSN volunteers is probably the biggest difference between FCSN and other similar organizations. We’re so lucky to have over 500 high school volunteers actively giving ideas and making time from their busy schedule to help. We also have very devoted parent volunteers. Our board members, presidents, directors, and many program coordinators are all parent volunteers. This is probably the biggest difference between FCSN and other similar organizations for serving special needs individuals.

Jim: FCSN includes both family support group and vendorized programs that are funded by the government, whereas many other organizations are either family support groups or vendorized program providers. At FCSN, parents do not just send their kids to a program and forget about it, most of them participate and contribute to the programs.

Albert: We are family based, serving not just the individual with disability but the entire family.  We fully believe special needs individuals affect the entire family, including extended family.  So our service and support target the family as a unit.  Our leadership is mostly made up of families with special needs children and our programs are designed with them in mind.  We are also focused on community involvement.  It is only through education and understanding of special needs by the whole community when our children will be accepted and integrated, not be discriminated against.    

Anna: FCSN is unique because it’s built and driven by parents. We empower each other to advocate for our children in all facets of society. We develop programs, centers and communities to meet their needs. We build community awareness, train volunteers so society would embrace our children.  FCSN families dispel stigma and are proud of their children which is a great achievement especially in Asian communities.

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